Congratulations for taking a step of faith and deciding to go on an FCA International Trip. FCA is committed to see the WORLD impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. By serving on this trip, you will get to be a part of what God is doing with the people of sport around the world. FCA is thankful for your willingness to go and serve the nations.
Most of the questions you have about your upcoming International Trip will be answered in this Go Guide online training. The Go Guide contains key principles for international ministry, FCA policies, fundraising advice, packing tips and other basic information that will help your trip be a success. Your Trip Leader will be able to provide information specific to your particular trip and destination.
The greatest assets you can take on your trip are a spirit of willingness and flexibility. This will enable you to bless your team by doing whatever is needed and by going with the flow of the moment.
With the proper preparation, an Interational Trip can be one of the most formative and transformative experiences as you continue to grow in your faith. Your trip will allow you to exercise some of the gifts and skills God has blessed you with. You will get to be God's hands and feet in a very tangible way. It's important to remember you are going to serve. Your Trip Leader will work with the in-country Host to identify objectives for your time in the country. Remember, your job will be to remain flexible and ready to serve.
You will be traveling to a nation of people that need to hear the Gospel. And God is going to use you in a mighty way. But there is another nation you will travel to … the nation of sport!
Sport is a unique connector that is not defined by language, geography or religion. Think about the times you’ve played a pick-up game with people you didn’t know. Whether at the gym, an open field or a sandlot, they might have been complete strangers, with a love for the sport as the only commonality between you. The moment you kicked the ball or picked up the ball and tossed it to someone, you started to build a relationship – with no thought to that person’s background, experience, or religious persuasion. This sport relationship allows trust to build and eventually lives to be impacted for eternity.
How To Use This Guide
This guide will prepare you for your international trip experience. It will take you one hour to read through the guide.
Prepare yourself spiritually by utilizing the pre-trip Go Guide Devotional.
Your Trip Leader will provide key details of your trip. This online guide will cover the basics of your trip.
There are some great books, articles, and websites that will help you prepare spiritually, physically, and mentally in the Resource Section.
We need you to:
Congratulations for taking a step of faith and deciding to go on an FCA International Trip. FCA is committed to see the WORLD impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. By serving on this trip, you will get to be a part of what God is doing with the people of sport around the world. FCA is thankful for your willingness to go and serve the nations.
Most of the questions you have about your upcoming International Trip will be answered in this Go Guide online training. The Go Guide contains key principles for international ministry, FCA policies, fundraising advice, packing tips and other basic information that will help your trip be a success. Your Trip Leader will be able to provide information specific to your particular trip and destination.
The greatest assets you can take on your trip are a spirit of willingness and flexibility. This will enable you to bless your team by doing whatever is needed and by going with the flow of the moment.
With the proper preparation, an Interational Trip can be one of the most formative and transformative experiences as you continue to grow in your faith. Your trip will allow you to exercise some of the gifts and skills God has blessed you with. You will get to be God's hands and feet in a very tangible way. It's important to remember you are going to serve. Your Trip Leader will work with the in-country Host to identify objectives for your time in the country. Remember, your job will be to remain flexible and ready to serve.
You will be traveling to a nation of people that need to hear the Gospel. And God is going to use you in a mighty way. But there is another nation you will travel to … the nation of sport!
Sport is a unique connector that is not defined by language, geography or religion. Think about the times you’ve played a pick-up game with people you didn’t know. Whether at the gym, an open field or a sandlot, they might have been complete strangers, with a love for the sport as the only commonality between you. The moment you kicked the ball or picked up the ball and tossed it to someone, you started to build a relationship – with no thought to that person’s background, experience, or religious persuasion. This sport relationship allows trust to build and eventually lives to be impacted for eternity.
How To Use This Guide
This guide will prepare you for your international trip experience. It will take you one hour to read through the guide.
Prepare yourself spiritually by utilizing the pre-trip Go Guide Devotional.
Your Trip Leader will provide key details of your trip. This online guide will cover the basics of your trip.
There are some great books, articles, and websites that will help you prepare spiritually, physically, and mentally in the Resource Section.
We need you to:
A certified small group bible study/devotion for coaches and athletes.
A certified ministry event that uses the annual theme and scripture for athletes and coaches to develop athletic skills, create influential relationships and encounter Jesus Christ.
FCA Coaches Ministry is the ministry program to coaches through huddles, events, training and resources.
International Trips
FCA offers a variety of trips with FCA staff and other partner organizations around the globe.